I have had THE WORST luck lately. Yesterday I kept stubbing my toes and accidentally kicking things. My foot got ran over by a grocery cart and I thought to myself "maybe I should wear some sneakers at this rate..." I seriously should have taken my own advice. Shortly after we got home, I tripped over a sprinkler that was supposed to go back into the ground on it's own. It didn't. However, it sure as heck went down into the ground like it was supposed to... after I kicked it! It hurt so bad. I sat on the ground holding my foot and clenching my jaw. I didn't see any blood but was about 2 seconds from tears. After a few minutes it started to bleed and wouldn't stop! I cleaned it up and put a bandaid on but had to change it 3 times within the hour. I realized shortly after I got this under control that my other big toe was sore. Apparently I dragged that foot on the ground while trying to catch my balance after tripping. My toenail ripped a good way down. That hurt too! To top it all off, as I was getting ready to leave the house this morning (still wearing sandals), I dropped a giant box of apple sauce RIGHT on my big scrape. It's still throbbing. I'm gonna go put some tennis shoes on now. Bye.
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